Monday, January 27, 2014

The World We Have - BCP

"Which of my photographs is my favorite? The one I'm going to take tomorrow." - Imogen Cunningham

Endless opportunities lie in the future. Your best photo has NOT been taken yet. Maybe your favorite, but only so far. Never tell yourself you can't get better. That will be your demise. 

I've been thinking of the dull scenery of winter trees, and the lack of color. I realized that you don't always have to have the "perfect" ingredients to take a picture. After all, you make the picture, it doesn't make itself. 

You have to craft the picture, and use the ingredients you have. Maybe make the picture a different style. Not all pictures have to be "cheery" or "happy." Some can be labeled "dreary" or "sad" and still be very good pictures. 

I want to make the best of the opportunities I have for the moment, and not wait for what looks perfect, because I will never find it. We need to use the world we have to take photos for today.

On to the pictures:

This was taken in super macro, and manual. I like playing around with my camera, and seeing what I can do with it. In this photo, I was trying to create a feeling of flow, with the viewers' gaze drifting to the right. I love shooting macro and getting the small details in the picture. This has not been edited.

We have had quite a few pretty skies, and I have been trying to shoot manual during these sunsets. I like to get a lot of the clouds as well when I take pictures, because they are an important part of what makes a pretty sky. This photo has not been edited.

I hope you like my pictures. :) I have been trying to take more pictures. I'm running out of quality pictures from the past, so I have to keep my production up. I have quite a few more pictures waiting to be posted, so be on the look out for those. 

Many of my pictures will be regularly uploaded on my Facebook page, so be sure to check them out there if you can. On Facebook, I will be using the hashtag #bcp for Brett Cole ♦ Photography. That way, people can easily find my pictures.

I think I have done a pretty good job of blogging on a weekly basis, but please comment and tell me what you think. I need suggestions on how to make my blog better. If you want me to blog with more pictures, I can probably do that. Basically, I am having trouble knowing what people want from my blog, so please help me out here. ;)

I have been contacted by a great photographer, Jacob Gonzalez, and I would like to give him a shoutout. He is a great photographer, so check him out. You can find him on Facebook:

That is about all I have for now, but stay tuned to my photography page on Facebook. Photos are coming. :) The next shot from my first shoot is below. Thanks again for reading.

- Brett Cole ♦ Photography

Find and Contact Brett Cole ♦ Photography:

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