Oregon was a cool state after we got through the monotonous first half, but we didn't stop anywhere except Crater Lake. I didn't mind at all, it was a great photo-op area, and is truly an astonishing creation! I'll let you see for yourself, but to get the full experience, you have to see it personally! :) Highly recommend it!
Crater Lake hikers! Though it's illegal and very dangerous, these men decided to embark on a journey to the shoreline! |
It's hard to describe in words how HUGE this lake is... there is SO much water, it's hard to comprehend. |
The center uprising is actually another smaller volcano within the drowned cone of the HUGE volcano. It's pretty interesting! |
The sun was setting behind me here, and it made for an interesting sky! |
Here's the sky from a little wider angle, including the smaller volcano. |
This was the beautiful sunset! It looked a lot like a pastel painting, and I really like how this shot reflects that! |
I thought this was a cool shot, with the mountain hiding between the trees. :) |
The area around the lake was really cool, and had some neat trees, driftwood, and paths. |
This is the rim of the lake/volcano. It's really cool and pretty jagged. |
Here I am... in front of the lake. :) |
I thought this tall piece of twisted driftwood made the foreground look interesting. |
Another shot of the sunset, encapsulated with snow and blue-ridge mountains. :P |
Another shot of the driftwood stump. |
This was a really cool tree! |
I thought it was cool that there was still snow up on the mountains, rarely see any snow during June in Missouri, haha. |
Here's a broad shot, again showing how big the lake is! |
Another shot of the lake... xD |
A closer shot of the neat tree... |
A lot of water... |
More water... lol |
I liked the sunrays coming through the trees, along with the cool wood. :) |
I thought this was a nice, well-rounded shot. It has the water, the rim, the volcano inside, and also the rocks and vegetation around it as well. :) |
Here's the sunset a little later... very pretty! :D |
Anyways, I really liked Crater Lake! After hours of boring driving across Idaho and Eastern Oregon, it was a nice site for sore eyes. Lol. It was so awe-inspiring to see God's creativity manifested in such a way. It was SO big it was hard to believe I was actually there. :P Besides my mom constantly fretting I would fall into the water below, I had a fantastic time! ;) Until next time... which is California Pt. 1 (you can celebrate now, Damar). :P
- Brett Cole Photgraphy
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Email: brettcphotography@gmail.com