Thursday, February 20, 2014

Grand Falls Photography - BCP

"There is nothing worse than a sharp image of a fuzzy concept." - Ansel Adams

Truer words of photography have never been spoken. Without a strong idea behind the photo, it can be as clear as it can get, and yet still not be a good photo. What really makes a good photo is the depth of it, and how it feels to the viewer. It's not all about quality.

I'm pretty excited right now. I was privileged to spend this Tuesday afternoon/evening with a very talented photographer, MarLeah Cole. She is an amazing photographer, and takes some great photos. Check them out by going here: She is also on Facebook: Photography by MarLeah Joy.

I will explain the reason that I was with her later, but for now, let's get to some pictures, shall we?

I had a great time on this photo shoot! It was very fun, and I got some great shots. This particular shot was taken as the sun was setting with a six second shutter speed. I really like the look of still water. Some people say they like "real" pictures, but this is real. I think of it like art, and like a painting. :)

This shot was taken with a six second shutter speed as well. The water was swirling back and forth, making a very beautiful scene. I liked the trees in the background, and the curve of the bank.

Okay, so I said I went with MarLeah on a photo shoot. It was a blast! I was able to hold the reflector and just help in general with the shoot. Afterwards, we had a good time just taking landscape shots. It was really fun.

There was one, down point of the trip though. I didn't realize it until I was at home, but I had my ISO too high... :/ A lot of the pictures that I was really excited about were grainy because of the high ISO. Oh well, it's experience, and I can learn what to do better for the future.

I have been extremely busy with school and other extra-curricular activities, and haven't been able to blog on time, or post pictures any where. I hope that I can have a little bit of the burden relieved soon, so I can start doing more of the things that I like. ;) On the bright side, it's preparing me for life of the future... so it's not all bad. :)

Also, I have some great friends that are photographers. One of my friends, Josh Leyva, just published a nice new site for his photographer. Check it out at He's got some great photos. That's all that I have for now, so hopefully you guys read this, and enjoy it. ;) Have a great day everyone!!! :D Over and out!

- Brett Cole ♦ Photography

Find and Contact Brett Cole ♦ Photography:

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Lull of Winter - BCP

"Skill in photography is acquired by practice, not by purchase." - Percy W. Harris

I can really relate to Percy Harris on this one. It gives me real encouragement to think that I can make my skill better in photography even though I don't have a DSLR yet. I perceive this to mean that you don't need the camera, the best tripod, the best equipment to make yourself a good photographer. Just the repetition of snapping photos is enough to make you better. Since I don't have a DSLR, this has really encouraged me to take more pictures and keep on keeping on with photography.

But, I know you don't want to hear me rambling on and on about quotes and such, so I'll stop for now. ;) I haven't been able to take too many new pictures lately (I will explain a little later) but I have been editing some of my older shots with my Lightroom software. And now, I will let you see some of my hard work. :)

This was taken quite a while back, but I thought the clouds looked pretty neat, and that I should post this shot. God made a beautiful world, and to me, a big part of the beauty lies in the clouds. :)

This was taken on an early morning shoot. I thought the fog looked cool in the valley here with the sun shining on it.  Sunrises are very beautiful, and although this shot wasn't taken too early, it seems to very well capture the foggy and damp feeling pretty well.

I really like this picture. Of course I'm biased because I'm the photographer, but I really like the way that I was able to capture the sunrays that were coming through and shining on the trees. It really makes me happy to see pictures of "radiance" from the sun.

I really hope you liked the photos. I put three on this time, just for fun. :) When I have a bunch of new photos, I can't resist the urge to share expediently. :P After all, two a week isn't enough, is it?! ;)

I know my blogs are usually posted on Monday or Tuesday, but this week I was a little behind, thanks to my sickness... :( Unfortunately, missing school doesn't exempt you from the work. Therefore, I have had loads of homework since I came back. (Just to clarify: I went back late Friday morning, and was there on Monday. Then, from Tuesday until the next Monday, we had snow days) 

Now that I'm back, we are being loaded with school work, plus the work that I didn't get from teachers BEFORE all the snow from when I was gone. AGH! :/ Oh well, things come, and things go. :) We'll see how this one turns out.

Other than a lot of homework, school has been going pretty well. Also, I am REALLY excited about a play we are doing in English on Friday. It should be great! :D Speaking of Friday, that's Valentine's Day. Since I don't blog on Friday's, I guess I'll send wishes your way now.

Happy Valentine's Day, everyone! ☺ ♥ ♥ ♥ ☺

Well, thanks again for reading, and don't forget to follow me on Google+ for more photos, and subscribe via email to my blog to get weekly updates. I hope you liked the photos, and have a GREAT week. :)

- Brett Cole ♦ Photography

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Plagued by the Flu - BCP

"Your first 10,000 photographs are your worst." - Henri Cartier-Bresson

I can't wait for that 10,000th picture. In truth, no one ever has a "best" picture any way. Each photo is perceived differently by each person. I believe that Henri has a good point here, and was successful in conveying to us that you don't get it right at the beginning, and that every good thing comes with time. Sometimes, it takes quite a while, and other times, it's very short.

But don't worry, I think you just might like these pre-10,000 photos I took. ;)

I thought this leaf looked very nice when I was taking some pictures one afternoon, getting ready for the sunset. The insect holes in the leaf, the spikes on the stems, it just looked terrific, and I had to capture it. I hope you like it.

After I took this picture, I realized that it looked "set up." But, it was 100% natural. It was a gentle rain outside, and I wanted to get some bubbles in a picture. I saw this puddle in the gravel, and took a few snapshots. I thought the leaves that had fallen from a nearby tree would look nice too, so without disturbing nature, I re-positioned my angle and got the green leaves in there as well. It turned out very nice. 

Well, those are the pictures I've got for now, I hope you like them. :) Remember that these are exclusive to the blog. I also have other exclusive shots on my Facebook page, so be sure to look both places to get as many of my pictures as possible. ;)

I'm sure many people can relate to a sneeze here, cough there, dripping nose, high fever, and dreariness. But don't fret! It will, at some point, come to an end, and you won't have the icky flu any longer. Trust me. I had it, and it was bad. But I got through it.

For me, the flu entailed a few key ingredients: fever, coughing, sneezing, and a raging headache. My fever continued to rise, until Wednesday night, where it peaked off at 103.6°F. I missed three days of school, so now I have homework. A lot. Of homework. Ugh.

Hopefully you enjoy my blog, because that's all I have for this week. Check back again next week to see some more pictures. Thanks for viewing. :)

- Brett Cole ♦ Photography